Wednesday, November 3, 2010

LONDON! - long overdue

So yes, I am finally getting around to writing about London, but it's been a busy month! I went to London in early October and, sadly, I only got to spend a solid day and a half there. Nonetheless, London was absolutely amazing! I loved everything about it from the language to the architecture. Our flight was delayed going out from Pisa on Friday, further shortening my time in London, but we eventually got there. Since it was later in the evening, my friends and I checked into our hostel, dropped our luggage off in our little lockers in our room, and went to find some food! We had heard that Asian food is a must in London, so we stopped at some cheap whole in the wall place and grabbed some noodles and chicken and headed back to the hostel. Surprisingly, my veggies, chicken and steamed rice did not disappoint, not did my snickers and coke from the vending machine!

Oh! How could I forget the cab ride?!? London driver are PSYCHO! Naturally, I called shotgun, and from the moment I hopped into the passenger seat it was all bad (but exciting) news. First off, the passenger seat is on the left. Second, they drive on the right side of the road. This was too much for me in the front, but I loved every minute of it. Everything looked like it came right out of the Harry Potter movies and I was obsessed immediately. Except, i was scared I wouldn't live to see London in the daytime the way that guy was driving. The roads look they are big enough for maybe a minivan, yet two cars make it work. It was crazy when we had to pull out too, because cars were coming from the other way. I can't even explain it, but it was exhilarating. I felt like I was in a twisted nascar game.

Hostels are an interesting thing; people say you are only paying for a bed, and I must say they are right! But this hostel was awesome! It was like being back in the dorms at college, except these dorms are international! You meet so many different people with different backgrounds and stories; and they have a bar! There were hangouts everywhere in that hostel! There was a library style room with a fire place and couches and tons of books, as well as a game room with a pool table and two big screens, then there was the cafeteria where people mingled and got to know eachother. Since London was freezing at night, we chose to hang inside by the bar and pool table. After a little bit of food and making small talk, we headed up to our room. We were welcomed by a 4th roomie, who wasn't too pleased with us talking and bumping into everything in our tiny closet size room.

Friday night I was too excited to sleep since London has always been a MUST on my traveling list...I maybe got 5 hours of sleep. But we were up and at em early Saturday morning, as we had a lot to do in our one short day! First, we hopped on the tube and went to visit Platform 9 3/4 at King's Cross Station. My day was about to be ruined when we thought the fake Harry Potter wall was closed off due to construction, but my determination allowed us to find a way around the construction to the other side. Our day was saved, and we took our touristy pictures, went on our way and all was well again!

From Platform 9 3/4s, we ventured to the famous Abbey Rd. We attempted to take some pictures, but I must say it is harder than it looks! Not only was the road not closed off, but it happened to be an extremely busy street for commuters! (We heard it's best to go on Sunday mornings if anyone ever wants to go!) A busy road is one thing, but a busy one where people drive on the opposite side of the road is another. I never really thought this would be a big change, but when you think of how many times you cross the street a day, your life is threatened often in London. Thankfully there were signs on the intersections saying "Look Right," or "Look Left." I can't count how many times I started to walk into the street checking my left to realize the cars were speeding up on my right. Anyways, after a fair amount of close calls, and waiting for the other tourists to go so they wouldn't be in our picture, we finally got some good ones and made our way to Westminster Abbey.

From the underground, we emerged right under Big Ben! We said hello to Ben and made our way to the Houses of Parliament, St. Margaret's Cathedral, Westminster Abbey. Everything was ridiculously expensive, so as cheap college students we were satisifed with taking some pictures and moving on. I must say that the buildings are breathtaking. I think I might have to make sure my mansion looks like that one day. From there, we ventured across the London Bridge to check out the London Eye. Since that, too, was overpriced, we just checked out the sketchy contraption that takes you up way too high, and then went into the gift shop. There I saw a wax figure of DAVID BECKHAM and I fell in love with London all over again. After that precious moment, we set out back across the bridge to Buckingham Palace. Now the Queen knows how to live! That place is enormous and amazing! Rather than having someone build me a house like the buildings I've seen, I think I'll just marry a prince and live in the Palace. The Queen decided not to show up in London for my arrival, so we didn't get to see the change of the guards. Oh well, we probably stayed a creepily long time. ( I know creepily isn't really a word, don't worry Mom.) We did get to see a guy in a beat up old car get let into the Palace! Calm down, it wasn't as exciting as it sounds. Anyways, from there, we walked through the Green Park, which was soo pretty and colorful! We found a Starbucks and then hopped onto the tube to check out the rest of London.

Harrods is ridiculous! It's like Disneyland at Christmas time; it even has it's own gift shop. A MALL has it's own GIFT SHOP. And the gift shop had more people in it than the overpriced stores. Since we couldn't really afford anything, we headed to the food court and got some more Chinese food and dessert. The dessert was sooo good, I got the red velvet cupcake, but I don't think anything compares to good-old Costco Red Velvet Cakes. Still, it came close. After deciding everything at Harrod's was too expensive, we went to the Camden Markets for some cheap souvenirs and bargaining. I found myself in one shop where I went crazy on my new-found obsession with the London flag and got mugs, shotglasses, shirts, postcards, etc just so I could remember how great London was! After that we got this delicious churro with chocolate sauce INSIDE!! It was absolutely delicious. After growing tired of spending all our money we went to meet up with a friend studying in London for some more Thai food. Since the wait was so long we headed to a nearby pub where I discovered "cider." This drink was so good, I've been trying to find it ever since, but I haven't been so lucky. Dinner was good, nothing amazing like the nutella and strawberry crepe that followed! (I was only in London for a day, so I had to splurge. Don't judge.) After our long day my feet were killing me and I was lucky to get my boots off past my swollen ankles! But we hung around our hostel for a little and took advantage of free internet and cheap international calls and then called it quits and headed for our beds. Our roommate was again sleeping when we came in. I wanted to wake her up and remind her that she's in LONDON, so she should stop being lazy and do something! But, I didn't because who know what her situation is. So, instead, I got a very nice night of sleep after an exhausting 16+ hour day of touring London.
Picture with the telephone booth. So touristy, but necessary.

I sported my "I <3 London" shirt all the way home, and I have never felt more like a tourist/more proud. At home, I was welcome by a long shower and a relaxing night.

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